“動感光紋”是本公司一種具有金屬質感、紋理閃動的產品系列,圖案亮麗動人,設有相簿,簽名簿,名片簿,備忘簿,文件套,聖誕卡和明信片等。 除此之外,尚可應用於書籍封套、各類產品的裝璜包裝,裝飾掛畫及日曆等。範圍廣泛,未能盡錄。請來電索取免費樣本,歡迎客戶來圖製造或採購本公司產品。

“Dynamite Graphic” is a series of metallic, engraved flashing products, that with their delicate and fascinating design, can be made as photo-ablum, sign book, name card holder, memo-pad, file christmas greeting card and post card. Besides, it can be made as the cover for book, decoration poster, calendar, and as wrapping sheet for many products; there are wide-rage of application for it that you may think of, please contact us for free catalogue and samples. Customer’s design is always welcome.
Delicate and special
Dynamic Engraved Graphic consists of many fine lines which bring out the feel of metal surface, it is much more special and elegant than traditional printing.

Various application
Many materials are suitable for printing dynamic engraved graphic, thus it is suitable for any purpose. It can help adding some fresh elements into your already well designed artworks.
Designing engraved graphic Service
You don’t need to know how to create the engraved graphic in your artwork, just upload your finished artwork and we will help you finishing the engraving effect.